Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You Say It's Your Birthday, Really??

November, a favorite month of mine.  I love the beautifully colored leaves, the cooler weather and Thanksgiving!  Something else special happens this month, my mom's birthday.  Most of all our birthdays are clumped together so it is easy to remember them all.  Papaw, Terry Bruce, Robbie Lee, Dallas's grandma, his mom, dad and one of his sisters and of course, my birthday, all are in September.  Then we have the March/April grouping of birthdays, Madeline, Lainey, Memaw and Jeremy, along with 3 special  anniversary's in May, The rest are spread out throughout the remaining months, and all are fairly easy to remember, except mom's!! 

I think we always forgot her birthday because of all the excitement of Thanksgiving, then, of course, Black Friday, which reminds us that Christmas is just around the corner!!  Who's house are we going to for Thanksgiving and Christmas?  Does Jeremy get to come down?  When are we putting up the tree?  Who are we getting gifts for?  What are we getting for everyone?  Damn, tax bill, really, before Christmas??  Charlie Brown, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus is coming to town, A Christmas Story and many other favorites, on TV for our viewing pleasure, all that on top of our daily hectic lives.  No wonder we forget Momma Alice's birthday every year!! Yes, they are all excuses, lame, but excuses none the less.  The truth is, we all remember her birthday now and have for awhile, but it is sooo much fun aggravating her, so we keep up the facade!!  So, Happy Birthday Mom!! (November 16th 19??)  Thank you Memaw for birthing Alice so that she could go on and birth Jeremy and I!! Love you!!

Okay, Okay!!  So, Maybe some of us still forget, but it doesn't mean we don't love you!!


  1. I love you Memaw! We are almost birthday twins. No wonder Jeremy and Sarah love us so!

  2. I say we start celebrating moms birthday November 16-19th every year. That way she has several days birthday. I love my mommy!
