Sunday, February 20, 2011


Yep, it's been awhile!  So much to get caught up on! Let's get started!

Unfortunately, there was a death in the family.  Dallas's step-mom Connie lost her father this month.  I remember most that big smile on his face when you walked in the room. 

Lainey had her screening for Pre-School, still can't believe that she could possibly be starting in the fall!  Not only that but sassy-pants will be turning 4 in April.  She is still LOVING her dance classes, and will be having a dance recital in May. I cannot WAIT!

We have also gone to birthday parties for our friends, worked on school projects and once we caught our breath, pampered ourselves!

Lesli and James finally TIED the KNOT!  That has been in the works since they were kids!  I couldn't be happier for them!  And I have a new cousin!!

I also started a face-book business page for work.  I have tons of friends with fur that deserve their chance in the spot-light and are just so darn cute!  I wanted to show people there are a lot of good things that happen at vet clinic and that we too get attached to your pets and care for them when they are in our care as if they were our own.  While on face-book, look us up and LIKE our page, your support is appreciated!!

I promise to keep in touch better.  So much stuff coming up that I'll need to keep you up on! TTFN!

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